creating animated gifs in several subfolders
Posted: 2010-10-27T21:01:14-07:00
Hi, I would like to create animated gifs in several subfolders within a folder called "testing" in F drive. The series of images in each subfolder are all in tif and I would like to convert the images to an animated gif within each subfolder. My script is written like this.
for /d %i in ("F:\testing\*) do convert -delay 20 *.tif -loop 2 animation.gif %i
However, it gives me this error message.
Magick: unable to open image '*.tif': Invalid argument @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2572
Your help is appreciated.
for /d %i in ("F:\testing\*) do convert -delay 20 *.tif -loop 2 animation.gif %i
However, it gives me this error message.
Magick: unable to open image '*.tif': Invalid argument @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2572
Your help is appreciated.