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Removing single color shadow / White to transparent
Posted: 2010-11-02T13:02:05-07:00
by Cmars
Well I'm trying to add a remove shadow on my bot but I can't seem to get it right (like always)

Close up:
Also, removing the white transparent out interrupting the image (if has white inside the image)
Thank's for reading.
Re: Removing single color shadow / White to transparent
Posted: 2010-11-02T15:49:59-07:00
by fmw42
Your alpha channel is totally white. So no transparency anywhere. You need to make a (b/w or grayscale) mask to cut out the parts you don't want and then overlay that on your base image.
Re: Removing single color shadow / White to transparent
Posted: 2010-11-02T22:06:37-07:00
by anthony
I would start by turning white into a masking image. then mody that mask by removing any pixel that is down and left of another pixel in the mask! that will remove the 'shadow'
First the mask...
Code: Select all
convert image.png -negate -threshold 0 mask.png
now get rid of the shadow
Code: Select all
convert mask.png \( +clone -roll -1-1 \) -compose multiply -composite mask2.png
and apply mask to image
Code: Select all
convert image.png mask2.png -alpha off -compose CopyOpacity -composite result.png
there you go, masked and a one pixel shadow removed.
Re: Removing single color shadow / White to transparent
Posted: 2010-11-02T22:22:04-07:00
by Cmars
Thank you anthony