Resizing .SVG input file
Posted: 2010-11-14T16:42:46-07:00
I'm trying to take an input .svg file and resize it and output as a .png file. The problem is, when I output the file it looks all blurry because it looks like it was rasterized before being scaled.
Does anyone know how I can take an .svg file, resize it and save it as a .png in Magick++?
My current code is:
I've also tried playing around with density, but it didn't seem to help.
Anyone have any ideas on this?
Does anyone know how I can take an .svg file, resize it and save it as a .png in Magick++?
My current code is:
Code: Select all "Character.svg" );
image.write( "xx.png" );
Anyone have any ideas on this?