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Mac-style font smoothing

Posted: 2010-11-21T15:26:32-07:00
by dimko
Does ImageMagick supports font smoothing or something else to do fonts look like on Mac ?

Now, it's look like this:

Code: Select all

-font /Library/Fonts/MyriadPro-Regular.otf -pointsize 14 -gravity North \
-fill rgb\\(255,255,255\\) -draw \"text 0,6 'Testing font'\" \
-fill rgb\\(32,32,32\\) -draw \"text 0,5 'Testing font'\"
That's what I want to get:


Re: Mac-style font smoothing

Posted: 2010-11-21T16:24:05-07:00
by fmw42
I believe that IM does smoothing of fonts using -draw unless you disable it with +antialias. Looks like you might be using different fonts. With -draw you can alter the stroke-width. So perhaps that is what you might need or a bolder font.

Hopefully on of the IM developers or someone more familiar with fonts in IM can answer more definitively.