Is "-limit" applied to each instance of IM?
Posted: 2010-11-23T03:36:53-07:00
Hey guys,
I was just wondering if the limits (like max memory) set through either launch parameters or environmental variables are individual to each instance of ImageMagick or if they're somehow shared (accumulated)? Ex: if we spawn 3 instances of IM in parallel with "-limit memory 10MiB", will the max memory used by pixel cache be 30MiB? I guess this boils down to the question if each instance has its own pixel cache.
I was just wondering if the limits (like max memory) set through either launch parameters or environmental variables are individual to each instance of ImageMagick or if they're somehow shared (accumulated)? Ex: if we spawn 3 instances of IM in parallel with "-limit memory 10MiB", will the max memory used by pixel cache be 30MiB? I guess this boils down to the question if each instance has its own pixel cache.