How to convert image to jp2 with MagickCore ?
Posted: 2010-12-09T09:17:33-07:00
I'm asking your help for a problem that i cannot solve.
I've made a program with MagickWand and it works perfectly but he takes too long to execute.
This program was made in order to calculate some textures composed by some images and convert it into jpg, png or jp2.
I rewrote it using MagickCore instead of MagickWand for a quicker result and it works perfectly for jpg and png but when it converts into jp2, it returns a kind of 8 colors images.
Here is the code :
Here is an example :

JP2 : (converted in jpg for upload but the render is the same)

I'm on Linux and I've the lastest version of MagickCore and MagickWand.
Does anyone have an idea of what is the problem ?
I'm asking your help for a problem that i cannot solve.
I've made a program with MagickWand and it works perfectly but he takes too long to execute.
This program was made in order to calculate some textures composed by some images and convert it into jpg, png or jp2.
I rewrote it using MagickCore instead of MagickWand for a quicker result and it works perfectly for jpg and png but when it converts into jp2, it returns a kind of 8 colors images.
Here is the code :
Code: Select all
void modify_img(t_list *params, t_final_img *output)
size_t size;
unsigned char *blob;
MagickPixelPacket background;
ImageInfo *image_info;
ExceptionInfo *exception;
memset(&background, 0, sizeof(MagickPixelPacket));
size = 0;
image_info = AcquireImageInfo();
exception = AcquireExceptionInfo();
strcpy(image_info->filename, "dummy.");
strcat(image_info->filename, output->extend);
image_info->quality = output->quality;
output->image = NewMagickImage(image_info, 512, 512, &background);
calc_pixel(params, output);
blob = ImageToBlob(image_info, output->image, &size, exception);
if (exception->severity != UndefinedException)
fwrite(blob, size, 1, stdout);
if (cache_activated)
writeInCache(blob, output, size);
blob = xfree(blob);

JP2 : (converted in jpg for upload but the render is the same)

I'm on Linux and I've the lastest version of MagickCore and MagickWand.
Does anyone have an idea of what is the problem ?