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Composite - image watermark to convert
Posted: 2010-12-14T05:36:09-07:00
by vyoralek
Please what is convert equal for this:
Code: Select all
composite -dissolve 15 watermark.png input.jpg output.jpg
I try this:
Code: Select all
convert input.jpg watermark.png -compose dissolve -define compose:args=15 -composite output.jpg
but output image not same - not contain watermark image

Re: Composite - image watermark to convert
Posted: 2010-12-14T06:35:58-07:00
by vyoralek
My problem may be caused by version... on my hosting is version 6.2.8

Re: Composite - image watermark to convert
Posted: 2010-12-14T18:57:40-07:00
by anthony
That should work as expected.
Okay the define option for convert was added in IM v6.5.3-4 so your IM is too old to specify compose arguments.
however you can still do it by doing the dissolve yourself.
Code: Select all
convert input.jpg \
\( watermark.png -matte -channel A -evaluate multiply 0.15 +channel \) \
-composite output.jpg
This multiplies the alpha channel of the overlay by 15% (make it mostly transparent) and then does a normal overlay.
Note a later version of IM would use -alpha set instead of -matte