How to create a small, 1bpp BMP text image?
Posted: 2011-01-08T12:17:49-07:00
I am trying to create a small 1bit per pixel black and white BMP text image, but I am always ending up with a 24 bit per pixel image output.
I can generate the desired 1bpp image with convert using the monochrome option:
convert -font URWGothicBook -pointsize 10 -size 128x48 -monochrome label:"Test text" text.bmp
But I cannot find an equivalent to monochrome in IMagick? I have tried several other options, but I still get 24bpp output.
Here is what I have tried so far - any suggestions would be appreciated!
I know I could use exec with convert, but I would like to use IMagick if possible.
I can generate the desired 1bpp image with convert using the monochrome option:
convert -font URWGothicBook -pointsize 10 -size 128x48 -monochrome label:"Test text" text.bmp
But I cannot find an equivalent to monochrome in IMagick? I have tried several other options, but I still get 24bpp output.
Here is what I have tried so far - any suggestions would be appreciated!
I know I could use exec with convert, but I would like to use IMagick if possible.
Code: Select all
$wtext = "This is test text";
/* Create Imagick objects */
$image = new Imagick();
$draw = new ImagickDraw();
$color = new ImagickPixel('black');
/* Font properties */
/* Get font metrics */
$metrics = $image->queryFontMetrics($draw, $wtext);
/* Create text */
$draw->annotation(0, $metrics['ascender'], $wtext);
/* Create image */
$image->newImage(128, 48, 'white');
/* Output the image */
header("Content-Type: image/bmp");
echo $image;