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path-information are scaling down
Posted: 2011-02-15T11:32:22-07:00
by Luca
the path-information are scaling down if I use
-trim . I think by the amount of the trimmed area. The path should keep the same scale as before because I use it for clipping. How can I just trim the image and dont touch the path?
Thank you

Re: path-information are scaling down
Posted: 2011-02-16T02:56:17-07:00
by Luca
Ok I think I was wrong. What I tried to explain also happens if I use -crop.
Problem: The clipping-path is relative to the new, converted image.
What I need is the clipping-path applied to the new (alter convert) image with the offset and scale of the old (before convert) image.
Example: I souround an object with a clipingpath to use it for some other reasons. Now I crop a part away. Finaly the path does not fit to the object anymore.
If I double ob the size of an image by using -resize I expect that the clipping-path also will be scaled up. And thats exactly how it looks like. But I started to realize that imagemagick just dont touches the path. I guess the position and scale of a clipping-path is relative to the size of an image.
Maybe imagemagick has no option to modify the path like I need. If thats true can please please someone tell me?
Re: path-information are scaling down
Posted: 2011-02-16T06:25:12-07:00
by magick
ImageMagick does not modify the image clipping path. Its treated as a blob and carried forward regardless of the operations you perform on the image.