Trouble compositing images onto effects-filled canvases
Posted: 2011-02-23T07:59:40-07:00
I've taken commands from both Fred's imagemagick scripts and imagemagick tutorials that call for creating a blank canvas, applying changes to it (noise, etc.) and then combining them with the image. In each case, the final image comes out nearly identical to the originial. I must be missing something, possibly because I am converting these to use on Windows (command prompt on Windows 7)
Here is sample code, taken from Fred's mottle script.
Here are the input and output images. This is a painting of mine and I'm interested in subtle transformations.


Note that the image shifted slightly, but that's it.
Here is another example of code, this time using Fred's "disperse" script. The final image also was the same, except it shifted up a few pixels
Sample code:
Here is sample code, taken from Fred's mottle script.
Code: Select all
convert -size 670x475 xc: +noise Random -virtual-pixel tile -blur 0x2 -contrast-stretch 0% -channel G -separate temp1.png
composite temp1.png paint.jpg -displace 5x5 mottle.jpg


Note that the image shifted slightly, but that's it.
Here is another example of code, this time using Fred's "disperse" script. The final image also was the same, except it shifted up a few pixels
Sample code:
Code: Select all
convert -quiet -regard-warnings test.jpg +repage tmpA1.mpc
convert -size 296x450 xc: -seed 1 +noise Random -virtual-pixel tile -blur 0x10 -colorspace gray -contrast-stretch 0% tmp0.jpg
convert tmp0.jpg -channel R -evaluate sine 10 -channel G -evaluate cosine 10 -channel RG -separate tmpA1.mpc +swap miff:- | composite - -displace 10x10 final.jpg