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can IM do Hue/Saturation event of PS?

Posted: 2011-04-10T00:24:26-07:00
by linjuming
Can IM simulate Hue/Saturation of PS?

orgin test.png
1.png (3.24 KiB) Viewed 9642 times
Hue/Saturation in PS
2.png (33.5 KiB) Viewed 9642 times

Re: can IM do Hue/Saturation event of PS?

Posted: 2011-04-10T00:45:25-07:00
by Bonzo
Use: bool Imagick::modulateImage ( float $brightness , float $saturation , float $hue )

Imagick options list:

Some Imagick examples:

Re: can IM do Hue/Saturation event of PS?

Posted: 2011-04-10T19:07:00-07:00
by linjuming
thank you very much