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Overlay a user defined pattern?
Posted: 2011-04-26T08:40:06-07:00
by pash
searched the forum but didn't find a solution.
How do I overlay a user defined pattern like dots, or stripes on an image to produce a output like this with black dots:

Re: Overlay a user defined pattern?
Posted: 2011-04-26T09:44:19-07:00
by fmw42
pash wrote:Hi,
searched the forum but didn't find a solution.
How do I overlay a user defined pattern like dots, or stripes on an image to produce a output like this with black dots:

It would be best to provide links to the original picture and the pattern picture. But assuming you already have a pattern image as black/white, try
convert backgroundimage patternimage -compose multiply -composite resultimage
also see ordered dither at ... red-dither
also you might like to look at my scripts, grid and screeneffects, at the link below.
Re: Overlay a user defined pattern?
Posted: 2011-04-26T09:58:07-07:00
by pash
Thank you.
Here the before image:
Image here->
and the pattern (dot):
Image here ->
Thank you for your link to your scripts, I will look at them. :O)
PS: I just thougt that there maybe an option to pass an image and a pattern to imagemagick and they will be combined (overlayed)
Re: Overlay a user defined pattern?
Posted: 2011-04-26T12:33:32-07:00
by fmw42
this is the easiest way as long as your pattern has transparency. just tile it over your other image. see
composite -tile d1d51700f5.png fac28b7080.png result.png