Sparse Color as a Fill Operator Tutorial (shepard) on win32?
Posted: 2011-04-30T13:04:11-07:00
just want to try out the "Sparse Color as a Fill Operator"-Tutorial from
There is this example:
But how to use this on win32 without SED?
Thank you
just want to try out the "Sparse Color as a Fill Operator"-Tutorial from
There is this example:
Code: Select all
convert shape.gif -channel A -morphology EdgeIn Diamond shape_edge_pixels.gif
convert shape_edge_pixels.gif txt:- |\
sed '1d; / 0) /d; s/:.* /,/;' | \
convert shape_edge_pixels.gif -sparse-color shepards '@-' \
convert shape_edge_in_lights.png shape.gif -composite shape_in_lights.png
The "sed" command in the above takes the Enumerated Text File Format, deletes the first header line and any line containing transparency, before re-formating it into a list of pixel coordinates and colors. That list is then 'pipelined' into "-sparse-color" using the special "@-" argument.
Yes the above is very tricky, but works. At least for a very small number of points. Eventually I hope to be able to simply input an image like the above and have "-sparse-color", do the above step automatically.

But how to use this on win32 without SED?
Thank you