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Montage with numbered tiles
Posted: 2011-05-17T07:43:29-07:00
by dirk
I would like to number the tiles in an image created with 'montage' so that the first tile (=file) gets the number 1, the second the number 2, and so on..
My command at the moment looks like this:
Code: Select all
montage -label '???' *.png -tile 20x5 -geometry 300x1800 -debug cache montage20x5.jpg
Thanks for help,
Re: Montage with numbered tiles
Posted: 2011-05-17T09:33:20-07:00
by fmw42
You have to use -set label after the input images. This works:
montage zelda3.png lena2.png -set label '%[fx:t+1]' tmp.png
see fx where t = scene number of current image in sequence (starts with 0)
Re: Montage with numbered tiles
Posted: 2011-05-17T15:47:00-07:00
by anthony
WARNING this will however only work with the latest versions of IM where the '%[fx:t]' and the '%t' settings have been fixed.
Hmmm from IM v6.6.8-6 onward. Before this you would only get a value of zero, and not the current image index.
As you can see you can use the index as part of a mathematical expression using FX

Re: Montage with numbered tiles
Posted: 2011-05-18T05:42:15-07:00
by dirk
Great, this works.
For my example, the command for indexing with 'montage' looks as follows:
Code: Select all
montage -set label '%[fx:t+1]' *.png -tile 20x5 -geometry 300x1800 -debug cache montage20x5.jpg
Re: Montage with numbered tiles
Posted: 2011-05-18T16:56:48-07:00
by anthony
The -set works with actual images. Put it AFTER reading in the images. This may error in the future!