Working at home, not working at
Posted: 2011-07-13T02:47:47-07:00
The following are two IM commands - one from my Windows localhost and one from Servage. Except for different paths they are identical. But the one on Servage doesn't work. The perspective transformation is not applied.

Do you have a clue what could be wrong?
Could this be related to the difference in version (Servage has 6.0.4).
c:\wamp\www\im\ImageMagick-6.6.9-8\convert C:/wamp/www/t3targa/typo3conf/ext/itb_domainimg/pi1/Book3D.png[0] ( C:/wamp/www/t3targa/uploads/tx_itbpostcard/_default.jpg[0] -crop 80%x100%+236+0 +repage -matte -virtual-pixel transparent +distort Perspective "0,0 57,22 0,1067 58,368 946,1067 280,400 946,0 281,2" ) -geometry +57+1 -composite -resize 284x -verbose C:/wamp/www/t3targa/typo3temp/tx_itbpostcard/_default.jpg-3D.png 2>&1
/usr/bin/convert /home134/sub024/sc79405-HHLQ/[0] \( /home134/sub024/sc79405-HHLQ/[0] -crop 80%x100%+236+0 +repage -matte -virtual-pixel transparent +distort Perspective "0,0 57,22 0,1067 58,368 946,1067 280,400 946,0 281,2" \) -geometry +57+1 -composite -resize 284x -verbose /home134/sub024/sc79405-HHLQ/ 2>&1
Look at the commands with word-wrapping off - they are aligned to each other.
Is perspective transformation something which can be missing (plugin) even if IM is installed?

Do you have a clue what could be wrong?
Could this be related to the difference in version (Servage has 6.0.4).
c:\wamp\www\im\ImageMagick-6.6.9-8\convert C:/wamp/www/t3targa/typo3conf/ext/itb_domainimg/pi1/Book3D.png[0] ( C:/wamp/www/t3targa/uploads/tx_itbpostcard/_default.jpg[0] -crop 80%x100%+236+0 +repage -matte -virtual-pixel transparent +distort Perspective "0,0 57,22 0,1067 58,368 946,1067 280,400 946,0 281,2" ) -geometry +57+1 -composite -resize 284x -verbose C:/wamp/www/t3targa/typo3temp/tx_itbpostcard/_default.jpg-3D.png 2>&1
/usr/bin/convert /home134/sub024/sc79405-HHLQ/[0] \( /home134/sub024/sc79405-HHLQ/[0] -crop 80%x100%+236+0 +repage -matte -virtual-pixel transparent +distort Perspective "0,0 57,22 0,1067 58,368 946,1067 280,400 946,0 281,2" \) -geometry +57+1 -composite -resize 284x -verbose /home134/sub024/sc79405-HHLQ/ 2>&1
Look at the commands with word-wrapping off - they are aligned to each other.
Is perspective transformation something which can be missing (plugin) even if IM is installed?