Caption and animated gif problem.
Posted: 2011-07-22T04:14:21-07:00
Hi guys,
it is my first post on your board so please for charity
I have used imagemagick with successfully in my PHP application, but now I have a problem with animated gifs. In my application I have used imagemagick for php and it works fine.
I am using it to create images with text specified by user - it is basing on "annotate". I also tried to use it with animated gifs and also works pretty nice, one problem was that it is killing my server
So I have thought about use imagemagick right by console. And here is a problem, because it doesn't work properly with "caption" and animation gifs - it does not work
I need to use "caption" because I want to wordwrap text from the user.
With annotate

And with caption

I have tried something else but effect also isn't good - position is bad, and text is shows only in couple of frames

Any idea how to use caption with animated gifs? :/
it is my first post on your board so please for charity

I have used imagemagick with successfully in my PHP application, but now I have a problem with animated gifs. In my application I have used imagemagick for php and it works fine.
I am using it to create images with text specified by user - it is basing on "annotate". I also tried to use it with animated gifs and also works pretty nice, one problem was that it is killing my server

So I have thought about use imagemagick right by console. And here is a problem, because it doesn't work properly with "caption" and animation gifs - it does not work

I need to use "caption" because I want to wordwrap text from the user.
With annotate
Code: Select all
convert myimage.gif \
\( -clone 0 -coalesce -gravity South -background none -size 435x65.5 -annotate 0 "Only example" \) -swap -1,0 \

And with caption
Code: Select all
convert myimage.gif \
\( -clone 0 -coalesce -gravity South -background none -size 435x65.5 caption:"It does not work..." \) -swap -1,0 \

I have tried something else but effect also isn't good - position is bad, and text is shows only in couple of frames
Code: Select all
convert myimage.gif -clone 0 -coalesce \
\( -swap -1,0 -background none -fill white -size 435x65.5 -fill '#ffffff' -stroke black -strokewidth 1 -font Courier-Bold -gravity center \
caption:"Test1" \) -clone 0 -coalesce -gravity north -swap -1,0 \
\( -swap -1,0 -background none -fill white -size 435x65.5 -fill '#ffffff' -stroke black -strokewidth 1 -font Courier-Bold -gravity center \
caption:"Test2" \) -clone 0 -coalesce -gravity south -swap -1,0 a4

Any idea how to use caption with animated gifs? :/