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Problem with Distort Perspective Command
Posted: 2011-08-29T07:34:48-07:00
by ahikaz
Hello, i'm trying to apply this code in my ".bat" file:
Code: Select all
convert checks.png -matte -virtual-pixel transparent -distort Perspective '0,0,0,0 0,90,0,90 90,0,90,25 90,90,90,65' checks_pers.png
The problem is that the result is like the original, no trnasformation to see, but i want to have a 3D Cover.
I tried also many examples of the tutorial and they work only the distort Perspective...
PS : I installed this version of ImageMagick : ImageMagick-6.7.2-0-Q16-windows-dll
Thank you.
Re: Problem with Distort Perspective Command
Posted: 2011-08-29T09:59:35-07:00
by fmw42
The command works fine for me in IM Q16 MAC OSX Tiger. But try double quotes rather than single quotes. I am not sure if that is the issue or not as I am not a windows user. so see
Otherwise it could be your bat file and not the command, so try the command in command line mode by itself to test this.
Re: Problem with Distort Perspective Command
Posted: 2011-08-29T23:40:53-07:00
by whugemann
I think that there are two errors in your command:
1) First of all, single quotes must be substituted by double quotes under Windows, as explained at
2) Second, there are too many commas in your point list. The example given in the "DOS box" at ... hp#distort is incorrect. The point list should be ordered:
u1,v1 X1,Y1 u2,v2 X2,Y2 ...
i.e. a comma seperates the two coordinates of a point, but not the corresponding image and world point. Perhaps the extras commas do no harm under certain operating systems, but they are inconsistent with the documentation.
Re: Problem with Distort Perspective Command
Posted: 2011-08-30T01:34:17-07:00
by ahikaz
Thanks ! It work with the double quotes !