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Finding isolated pixels.
Posted: 2011-09-12T17:09:04-07:00
by rnbc
I'm trying to automatically detect hot pixels in a sensor. In order to do so I defined a criteria for "isolated pixel" which states that a pixel is more isolated if the difference to
all it's neighbors is high. If the pixel has any close neighbor, even if only one, than it's not isolated.
I'm calculating difference in terms of luminance, where luminance = sum of all channels. That's debatable, but anyway... my problem is implementing this.
The definition would be something like, in terms of -fx:
Code: Select all
convert.exe \
Lenna.tif \
-fx '\
)' \
-evaluate Multiply 0.1 \
-depth 8 \
-interlace line \
-quality 100 \
-sampling-factor 1x1 \
And isolated pixels should appear whiter than the others. I specifically introduced a white pixel in the middle and a few other artifacts to test this. But it's not working, the image should appear almost black except for a few pixels...
Any ideas?
Re: Finding isolated pixels.
Posted: 2011-09-12T17:15:00-07:00
by fmw42
Do your colorspace conversion first, so you don't have to do in fx and slow that down. You can convert to colorspace gray or get channel 1 of colorspace OHTA which is the simple average of the r,g,b channels.
Have you tried using -lat (local area threshold)?
You might also try my isonoise script and then get the difference between the input and output images to find the noise pixels.
Perhaps you can post your test image for others to work with.
Re: Finding isolated pixels.
Posted: 2011-09-12T17:39:40-07:00
by rnbc
Hi fmw42. Sorry I didn't add to the discussion concerning HDR images the other day... I read it, but I had nothing to add really
Just to clarify what an isolated pixel is, and is not:
This image contains 9 isolated pixels, the others with neighbors in the diagonals, or vertical/horizontal are not isolated.
I don't see how I can do it without the fx operator, or without writing some C code
The question is, why doesn't the fx operator work in the way I'm using it?
Re: Finding isolated pixels.
Posted: 2011-09-12T18:05:30-07:00
by rnbc
It seems as if -fx runs left to right, up to down, and changes pixel values in place, so that I'm comparing with an already changed image, instead of comparing inside the original image and generating a new image.
How can I compare inside the original image? Generating a new image with the result of the comparison, of course.
Re: Finding isolated pixels.
Posted: 2011-09-12T18:26:08-07:00
by fmw42
rnbc wrote:It seems as if -fx runs left to right, up to down, and changes pixel values in place, so that I'm comparing with an already changed image, instead of comparing inside the original image and generating a new image.
How can I compare inside the original image? Generating a new image with the result of the comparison, of course.
I don't think this is the case about the way fx works.
In the mean time, try this:
convert lena_test.png -colorspace gray -lat 5x5+55% lena_test_lat5x55.png

Re: Finding isolated pixels.
Posted: 2011-09-12T20:46:20-07:00
by fmw42
fx min() only allows two arguments. try this
convert lena_test.png -colorspace gray -monitor -fx " \
min(min(min(min(min(min(min \
(abs(u-p[-1,0]), \
abs(u-p[1,0])), \
abs(u-p[0,-1])), \
abs(u-p[0,1])), \
abs(u-p[-1,1])), \
abs(u-p[1,1])), \
abs(u-p[1,-1])), \
abs(u-p[-1,-1]))" \
+monitor lena_test_fx.png
You might also be able to use custom -morphology shapes or correlations to match each of your patterns above faster than using -fx. However, I have not experimented with doing that.
see ... ate_search
Re: Finding isolated pixels.
Posted: 2011-09-13T03:24:54-07:00
by rnbc
Thanks, that was the problem, min only accepts two arguments! Dumb me!
I'll try to devise some faster method, but this one already works miracles for what I want

Re: Finding isolated pixels.
Posted: 2011-09-13T09:33:05-07:00
by fmw42
I am not sure that min() really only allows 2 arguments.
I tried:
convert lena_test.png -colorspace gray -monitor -fx " \
min( \
abs(u-p[-1,0]), \
abs(u-p[1,0]), \
abs(u-p[0,-1]), \
abs(u-p[0,1]), \
abs(u-p[-1,1]), \
abs(u-p[1,1]), \
abs(u-p[1,-1]), \
abs(u-p[-1,-1]))" \
+monitor lena_test_fx2.png
And did not get any errors but got the following image which is not the same as the previous one. Perhaps it only used the first two arguments in the min?
Perhaps we need to hear from Anthony to get a better understanding.
Re: Finding isolated pixels.
Posted: 2011-09-13T17:28:43-07:00
by rnbc
With only 2 arguments I get the expected results. Not so with more... so there is a problem somewhere.
Anyway, this is not an efficient way of doing things. Better do it by:
- cloning the image
- moving the clone 1 pixel
- comparing the entire image with the clone with "-compose difference"
- generate 8 comparison images this way
- take the max() form this set of 8 images, at each pixel location generating the isolated pixel map (the "alpha" channel), with "-compose Darken"
I haven't implemented that part efficiently yet, still using the "fx" method. Soon...! I'll post when done!
The rest, to attenuate the isolated pixels, goes like this:
Code: Select all
time nice +99 /usr/local/apps/ImageMagick/installed/bin/convert.exe SDIMa_26009-isolated.tif -alpha off SDIMa_26009-alpha.tif -compose copyopacity -composite SDIMa_26009-transparent.tif
time nice +99 /usr/local/apps/ImageMagick/installed/bin/convert.exe SDIMa_26009-isolated.tif -gaussian-blur 9x3 SDIMa_26009-blurred.tif
time nice +99 /usr/local/apps/ImageMagick/installed/bin/composite.exe SDIMa_26009-transparent.tif SDIMa_26009-blurred.tif SDIMa_26009-clean.tif
time nice +99 /usr/local/apps/ImageMagick/installed/bin/convert.exe SDIMa_26009-clean.tif -depth 8 -interlace line -quality 100 -sampling-factor 1x1 SDIMa_26009-final.jpg
Of course the alpha image can be contrast-enhanced, etc... to better remove the hot pixels, if needed.
Re: Finding isolated pixels.
Posted: 2011-09-13T17:30:45-07:00
by fmw42
This shows that fx min() gives strange result with more than 2 arguments.
this seems to find the last argument
convert xc: -format "%[fx:min(10,8,2,4)]" info:
but this seems to find the correct argument
convert xc: -format "%[fx:min(2,4,8,10)]" info:
whereas this is correct with 2 args
convert xc: -format "%[fx:min(2,4)]" info:
convert xc: -format "%[fx:min(4,2)]" info:
Re: Finding isolated pixels.
Posted: 2011-09-13T18:04:31-07:00
by magick
Most / all -fx methods take 1 or 2 parameters. The expression is reparsed for each pixel so for efficiency we keep the parser simplistic.
Re: Finding isolated pixels.
Posted: 2011-09-13T18:09:06-07:00
by fmw42
- cloning the image
- moving the clone 1 pixel
- comparing the entire image with the clone with "-compose difference"
- generate 8 comparison images this way
That is similar to how I did several of my morphology script operations. You can see the code in my morphology script. Similarly in my statsfilt script. Perhaps those scripts will help you do that more efficiently.
I create 8 different images using -roll and saved in mpc format. Then used -compose darken or -compose lighten to find the min and max.
You can do something similar by creating the rolled images and compose diff to get the 8 abs diff images, then find the min or max as appropriate using -evaluate-sequence min or max, which allow any number of images and was not available when I did my scripts. see ... e-sequence
The rest, to attenuate the isolated pixels, goes like this:
Once you get the isolated pixels, you could create a mask. Then process the image with a median filter (rather than the gaussian blur) and use the mask to blend the two so that only the isolated pixels get replaced with the median. That is what I did in my isonoise script.
Re: Finding isolated pixels.
Posted: 2011-09-14T18:53:45-07:00
by anthony
I would simple use a hit-n-miss morphology with a
peaks:1.5 kernel. It does exactly as you say, only returning a pixel that has a separation between the center (peak) and the largest neighbour.
convert lena_test.png -morphology HMT Peaks:1.5 show:
In fact the amount of separation between the largest neighbour and the peak pixel is what the operation returns! In other words it is a direct comparison of the results of separate 'background' and 'foreground' pixel tests.
See Hit and Miss Morphology
And specifically HMT with Gray-scale Images ... _greyscale
It would certainly be a lot faster than any FX method, and you can adjust the neighbourhood very easily.
NOTE this is different to using a "Correlation" (actually the same as convolution in this case), which uses averages, as as such can find a peak even when one neighbour is only slightly equal or larger than the 'origin' pixel. This is also why LAT can fail.
Re: Finding isolated pixels.
Posted: 2011-09-15T06:21:10-07:00
by rnbc
Anthony, the Morphology method seems to work rather well, thanks! I'll test it on some real images with real hot pixels and report the results. The problem is that hot pixels are not as "hot" as in my example images, and the "fx" method seems more sensitive. Then again, only practice will tell
I understand they should do the same though, at least for hot pixels. The "fx" method also detects "dark/stuck" pixels, which tend to be rarer, but exist sometimes (not in any of my cameras though).
Re: Finding isolated pixels.
Posted: 2011-09-15T15:19:41-07:00
by rnbc
I found this worked great:
Code: Select all
convert Lenna-128-isolated.tif \( +clone -morphology HMT Peaks:1.5 \) +swap -compose subtract -composite Lenna-128-subtract.tif