I've allready searched in the usage pages, but since my english skills are not the best and I use IM for the first time I only found these three usefull commands:
Code: Select all
convert -colors 256 -depth 8 +dither image32.png image8.png
Code: Select all
convert -colors 256 -depth 8 +dither -define png:color-type=3 image32.png image8.png
Code: Select all
convert -colors 256 -depth 8 +dither -define png:color-type=3 -alpha Background image32.png image8.png



original 32bit

If I load the 1. Image in my icon creation tool, Axialis IconWorkshop, it looks exactly as the 2. , everything transparent gets black.
I think what I need is something like the second image only with transparent background or transparent background with dither like in this image http://www.imagemagick.org/Usage/quanti ... ome_fs.gif if its possible for PNG.
Would be very thankful for getting some help.