Limiting threads of ImageMagick - not getting limited
Posted: 2011-10-09T07:19:24-07:00
I'm on a virtual machine, and according to [this document in the Cache Storage and Resource Requirements section (, if you're on a VPS you should probably limit the threads to two. I am. But before making changes, I checked to see what my settings (via `identify -list resource`) were:
I then placed this in ~/.magick/policy.xml:
Then I checked my settings:
Howcome the thread isn't getting modified? I just copied and pasted the settings.
Note, I also asked this at ... ng-limited but haven't gotten an answer
Code: Select all
File Area Memory Map Disk Thread Time
768 2.0004GiB 1.5003GiB 4.0009GiB 16EiB 4 unlimited
Code: Select all
<policy domain="resource" name="time" value="60"/>
<policy domain="resource" name="thread" value="2"/>
Code: Select all
File Area Memory Map Disk Thread Time
768 2.0004GiB 1.5003GiB 4.0009GiB 16EiB 4 60
Note, I also asked this at ... ng-limited but haven't gotten an answer