Really simple question please help! (Windows OS)
Posted: 2011-11-18T04:33:43-07:00
Hi there! I'm sure this is a really simple question but after about 2 hours of reading examples and trying to find someone thats trying to do the same thing I admit defeat!!
Trying to resize images from c:\images to c:\images\done and keep the original filename
Got as far as convert c:\images\*.* resize 250x250 c:\images\done\
and that just gives me a load of filenames 0.jpg 1.jpg etc etc
please please please can i have it keep the original filename
EDIT: actually i just thought i need 2 other different sizes produced at the same time. with "_t" and "_s" suffixed .. i can do this with the write command right? how?
EDIT 2: Getting somewhere now....
Just need to write 2 other files at the same time with 2 different suffixes?
Trying to resize images from c:\images to c:\images\done and keep the original filename
Got as far as convert c:\images\*.* resize 250x250 c:\images\done\
and that just gives me a load of filenames 0.jpg 1.jpg etc etc
please please please can i have it keep the original filename

EDIT: actually i just thought i need 2 other different sizes produced at the same time. with "_t" and "_s" suffixed .. i can do this with the write command right? how?
EDIT 2: Getting somewhere now....
Code: Select all
mogrify -format jpg -path images/done/ -resize 250x250 images/*.jpg