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Borders with different sizes in different directions

Posted: 2011-12-21T13:29:29-07:00
by matze2
Hello together!

I want to make with mogrify a border around a picture with different sizes in differnt directions. For example 10 points to the top, 20 to the bottom and 15 right and 25 to the left side. I tried the following under windwos 7:

Code: Select all

mogrify: -border 30x40!-10+5 image.jpg
It just makes 30 point in upper und lower direction and also 40 points to the sides.

I am new in working with this programm. I tried to search but I wsn't realy successfull.

Thanks for any help.


Re: Borders with different sizes in different directions

Posted: 2011-12-21T13:47:55-07:00
by fmw42
matze2 wrote:Hello together!

I want to make with mogrify a border around a picture with different sizes in differnt directions. For example 10 points to the top, 20 to the bottom and 15 right and 25 to the left side. I tried the following under windwos 7:

Code: Select all

mogrify: -border 30x40!-10+5 image.jpg
It just makes 30 point in upper und lower direction and also 40 points to the sides.

I am new in working with this programm. I tried to search but I wsn't realy successfull.

Thanks for any help.

Use -splice 2 (or 4) times in the same command. See

Re: Borders with different sizes in different directions

Posted: 2011-12-22T16:56:03-07:00
by anthony
You will need to do much of the work of mogrify yourself.

You will need to first resize (thumbnail) and pad your images appropriately.
You will then need to add the border and framing.
Only then would you use mogrify to actually arrange the images into an array (something I eventually want to build into "convert" as a set of 'layout' operators, beyond simple appending.)