thanks again.
that's the second biggest problem with IM , the doc is about an anarchistic as the syntax. If found the "doc" for the tile option but it was so brief as to be useless. ... .php?#tile
There has clearly been a huge amount of work gone into writing all this stuff but it seems you need to read the whole lot to get anywhere.
-tile links to composite which is so brief it is barely any help and then links back to -tile...
I usually find I have to start googling and sifting through various examples in the hope of _devining_ what the syntax definition of a particular command is.
I'm starting to get a feel for what xc can do but despite a huge amount of reading I have not seen definition nor do I have any idea what why it's called xc.
Finally I found a different way to do my tiling:
Code: Select all
convert \
tile.png -crop 25%x25%+20%+20% -write mpr:tile +delete \
\( -size $((5*$wid))x$((5*$ht)) tile:mpr:tile \) \
You'll probably now tell me that the percent only works on the 25 and not the offsets , right ?