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Impulse response of a filter

Posted: 2011-12-26T13:38:35-07:00
by NicolasRobidoux
It is easy to plot a filter function: ... 007#p79378
Is it as easy to plot (slices of) the impulse response (that is, what one gets by enlarging "a lot" an image which has one pixel equal to 1 and all the others equal to 0), without clipping?

When the filter defines a partition of unity, there is no difference between the two plots (at least in 1D). But not otherwise.

In 2D, a coutour plot with labeled levels would do. Or else, slices with gnuplot.

(This is something I could figure out myself I'm pretty sure, but if someone knows, I'd rather not reinvent the wheel.)

Re: Impulse response of a filter

Posted: 2011-12-26T15:39:40-07:00
by fmw42

Have you tried using ImageJ at It has a nice 3D plot graphing routine. Not sure, it may be a plugin, so also see

For example see my graphs at ... tml#im_fft or ... mcrosscorr
