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IM can't read png as pseudo-class

Posted: 2012-01-23T09:46:49-07:00
by bom
OS: CentOS 5.5
Version: ImageMagick 6.6.5-10 2010-11-26 Q16

I have a problem.
When I "identify" a png file, the result showed:
Class: DirectClass

But, this png file has indexed-colors(palette, colormap).
So, I want IM to indetify it as "PseudoClass", and I want to get infomations of indexed-colors(palette, colormap).


And, the indexed-colors(palette, colormap) of the png have an alpha value.
So, with IM ( I use perlmagick ), I want to get color infomations that contain alpha value by doing following :
$color = $image->Get( "colormap[ $i ]" )

Sorry for my clumsy English.

Re: IM can't read png as pseudo-class

Posted: 2012-01-23T12:29:11-07:00
by fmw42
in command line, one would add -type palette (or palettematte if transparency). I do not use APIs so cannot help you in that environment. Also you may want to upgrade IM as the PNG format has undergone quite a bit of improvement over many releases.