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less memory usage

Posted: 2012-01-25T05:30:12-07:00
by pirad
Hi. I ust ImageMagick to animate a sequence of 500 pictures. And it uses much less memory when these animations are split up into 10 of 50 pictures each saved as .miff and then put together. Perhaps IM should recognize how many memory there is and do things like that itself. I crashed the server I use yesterday with to many pictures at one time.

Re: less memory usage

Posted: 2012-01-25T06:35:44-07:00
by magick
Add -limit memory 2MB -limit map 4MB to your command line. See ... .php#limit.

Re: less memory usage

Posted: 2012-01-25T09:55:21-07:00
by pirad
O, I see. The default values did not work in my case. There were 16 GB Memory and the server crashed as the memory and swap were full. But thanks for the help.