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Pango Additions

Posted: 2012-02-29T19:47:41-07:00
by anthony
This topic was split and moved out of IMv7 What is Happening, and turned into a separate topic

The various formatting features are available now as part of captions new use of 'pango'.
This is a new addition and still evolving...

Code: Select all

convert -define caption:markup=true \
           -define caption:justify=center \
           caption:"`cat pango_test.txt`" show:
The pango text file is downloadable from

The reason a `cat ...` is used is because since the addition the '@' file read has been broken! :(

Other things broken is the use of colors!

The more direct pango way of doing this is...

Code: Select all

pango-view --align=center --markup pango_test.txt
Note however the size may be different due to density changes (IM defaults to 72, pango to display or 96 in my case)

ASIDE: I always felt it was better to make it a seperate coder such as "pango:", instead of changing "caption:" in such a dramatic way and requiring the use of a define. Though it does make some sense (so as to allow other text to image convertors)

As for kerning. That is not up to IM but the delegate libraries IM uses.
Other features are typically handled through font selection.

Re: IMv7 What is happening

Posted: 2012-03-01T01:07:53-07:00
by Bonzo
In another thread about using shell scripts on a Windows loacalhost you say:
However for full UNIX shell processing (scripts) you may need other commands, like ls, cat, sed, awk, grep, find, xargs, etc.
Does this mean that 'Pango' use will be unavailable on Windows?

Re: IMv7 What is happening

Posted: 2012-03-01T19:51:20-07:00
by anthony
I do not believe it is available under windows, only Linux and Macs. I could be wrong, but I doubt it.

Re: Pango Additions

Posted: 2012-03-05T21:35:48-07:00
by anthony
This topic was split and moved out of IMv7 What is Happening.