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Stamp All Images in a Folder with Date Taken (EXIF)
Posted: 2012-04-04T03:21:43-07:00
by MikeCompton
Hi all, newbie here
I have seen this thread
and I have seen Bonzo's useful examplke batch file scripts
but i have struggled and failed!!
Please can someone give me some code for a batch file that will write the date take to the bottom right hand corner of all images in a specified folder?
Re: Stamp All Images in a Folder with Date Taken (EXIF)
Posted: 2012-04-04T05:27:51-07:00
by whugemann
Re: Stamp All Images in a Folder with Date Taken (EXIF)
Posted: 2012-04-04T20:10:34-07:00
by anthony
Something like...
Code: Select all
mogrify -gravity SouthEast -annotate +5+5 '%[EXIF:DateTime]' *.jpg
DANGER, the above replaces images. add a -path to specify a output directory for the chnaged images, and make sure you have backups!
See Mogrify
Also see "jhead" program whcih can adjust dates and times in image files without touching the actual image data
Re: Stamp All Images in a Folder with Date Taken (EXIF)
Posted: 2012-04-16T04:59:43-07:00
by MikeCompton
anthony wrote:Something like...
Code: Select all
mogrify -gravity SouthEast -annotate +5+5 '%[EXIF:DateTime]' *.jpg
That doesnt work in a batch file because it is treated as a system variable it would appear, is there a workaround for that?
The command that is run is:
Code: Select all
mogrify -gravity SouthEast -annotate +5+5 'DateTime]' *.jpg
Re: Stamp All Images in a Folder with Date Taken (EXIF)
Posted: 2012-04-16T07:39:59-07:00
by Bonzo
You need to escape the % with another % in a batch file so use '%%[EXIF:DateTime]'
I think there was a similar post about this a couple of weeks ago.
Thanks for the comment about my website

Re: Stamp All Images in a Folder with Date Taken (EXIF)
Posted: 2012-04-16T20:11:22-07:00
by anthony
You are using DOS scripts, which requires the '%' to be escaped by doubling EG '%%'.
See IM Examples, Windows Usage, DOS
You also need to use double quotes " instead of single quotes '
DOS is just a different 'shell' or 'scripting language', as is VB, PHP, Perl, Ruby. Each has its own specific requirements!