How to Convert *jpg/png/24bmp/etc/anything to 16bit-bitmap
Posted: 2012-04-25T16:56:21-07:00
How would I convert some image, such as a .png to a 16bit .bmp with / without dithering?
Use instead.
I cannot say for sure as I have never worked with bmp, but from the bottom of S wrote:ImageMagick doesn't support writing 16 bits/pixel BMP images.
(I do know of another program, that can do that.)
Or so I am lead to believe. Remember I and not a windows user, and have little need to use BMP format. I can only go by what I discover in this case.fmw42 wrote:For comparison, the bmp3: format allows bit depths of 0, 1, 4, 8 ,16, 24 and
32 and has extra fields which specify x and y resolution (in pixels per metre)
and compression of the image data.