thanks for your help!
Montage version:
Version: ImageMagick 6.3.5 12/08/07 Q16 http://www.imagemagick.org
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2007 ImageMagick Studio LLC
Sample montage script as current:
/sw/bin/montage \
-label 'C:1000950_9957' 'Concepts/1000950_99570797-spekulator-800wide.jpg' \
-label 'C:1018103_4122' 'Concepts/1018103_41221600-cobrasoft-800wide.jpg' \
-label 'C:1078183_1364' 'Concepts/1078183_13647396-ilco-800wide.jpg' \
… (lots more pix, listed explicitly so I can have a truncated title - something else I couldn't see how to do in montage easily, although there is some mention of 'truncate')
-label 'P:116120_8887-' 'People/116120_8887-scataudo-800wide.jpg' \
-pointsize 9 -tile 7x8 -shadow -geometry '60x60+4+4>' thumbnail-index.jpg
If I try to add "-page 400x800" or "-page A4-landscape" or other combinations, nothing much happens!