The first attempt was to blur the L channel (which seems to be called "R" when using the channel command):
# convert noisy.jpg -colorspace LAB -channel R -blur 4x4 -channel RGB -colorspace RGB -quality 80 blurred_L_channel.jpg

This is just what I expected. The colors are untouched, but the grayscale portion of the image is blurred.
Now trying the same command, but this time blurring the B channel instead:
# convert noisy.jpg -colorspace LAB -channel B -blur 4x4 -channel RGB -colorspace RGB -quality 80 blurred_L_channel.jpg

Rather than blurring a part of the image, weird blue noise appears! But why? I would have expected the image to become only slightly more blurred, not showing entirely new features like this. The same happens when addressing the A channel "by specifying -channel G".
PS: I'm using ImageMagick 6.7.5-10 2012-05-23 Q16 compiled under FreeBSD from the official FreeBSD ports collection. The rest of the application is behaving very well, so don't think this is compile related.