[Resolved]dispose background for animation
Posted: 2012-06-06T17:00:37-07:00
IM Q16 Mac OSX Snow Leopard
What I am trying to do is crop an image into pieces that are not always the same size and make an animation. When the cropped image is smaller than the crop dimensions, I was trying to have the frame background be some other color rather than black when using -dispose background. Is there some simple command that controls the background color for filling the frame when creating an animation? I tried adding -fill and -bacgkround but the background is still black.

convert lena.jpg -crop 120x120 miff:- | convert -fill white -background white -dispose background -delay 50 - -loop 0 lena_ani.gif

What I am trying to do is crop an image into pieces that are not always the same size and make an animation. When the cropped image is smaller than the crop dimensions, I was trying to have the frame background be some other color rather than black when using -dispose background. Is there some simple command that controls the background color for filling the frame when creating an animation? I tried adding -fill and -bacgkround but the background is still black.

convert lena.jpg -crop 120x120 miff:- | convert -fill white -background white -dispose background -delay 50 - -loop 0 lena_ani.gif