[SOLVED]Command Line Testing
Posted: 2012-06-26T09:32:38-07:00
I am trying to use imagemagick as a part of ResourceSpace. I am trying to test imagemagick using the command line-- I have a file named umimage in the imagemagickfolder.
I entered
and got back
Anyone know what this means or how to go about testing if imagemagick is installed properly?
I am trying to use imagemagick as a part of ResourceSpace. I am trying to test imagemagick using the command line-- I have a file named umimage in the imagemagickfolder.
I entered
Code: Select all
convert umimage.jpg umimage.png
Code: Select all
convert.exe:unable to open image 'umimage.jpg': no such file or directory @ error/blob.c/openBlob/2638.
convert.exe: no images defined 'umiage.png' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3044.