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Build picture from montage
Posted: 2012-06-28T18:10:51-07:00
by theuser
Hello guys.
How can I create a montage like this?
I hope you can help me, I'm very new with ImageMagick.
Kind regards.
Re: Build picture from montage
Posted: 2012-06-28T18:36:50-07:00
by anthony
That is not straight forward.
You need to collect a library of images. Generate basic data bout the image.
Then on the original 'pixelize it to get the basic color for each 'cell'.
In each cell select a image from library. Tint that image appropriately to match, then place it appropriately.
NOTE: To me 'tinting' images to generate this type of montage is a HACK. The original version of this (used in a movie) used Tinting sparingly to achieved the desired effect. But they did have a large library of images in all conditions to select from, and could expand that library if needed, simply by shooting more footage.
A more advanced version may not only select 'cell' images based on average color needed, but also on a rough 3x3 average of colors in the 'cell' image. That way a image with an overall diagonal texture can be chosen for of a similar diagonal line in the original large scale image.
In the above example, this can be used to restore detail like eyes and lips, in the overall effect.
Now that would make it a 'worth while' project, but will require an even larger library of images to use.
Re: Build picture from montage
Posted: 2012-06-28T19:20:29-07:00
by theuser
I feel discouraged.
Do you know some resource site where I can get more information or a MSL script to do it?