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How to verify/check pictures for defects?

Posted: 2012-07-02T00:35:57-07:00
by bensto
Occasionally *.jpg or *.png or *.gif pictures are downloaded or saved with damages.

How can I check which of the thousands of images in the dir tree beginning with


are currently damaged?


Re: How to verify/check pictures for defects?

Posted: 2012-07-02T10:22:01-07:00
by fmw42
How badly damaged? If damaged enough that IM cannot open them, then you can try reading or displaying them and catch any error messages.

Re: How to verify/check pictures for defects?

Posted: 2012-07-04T18:42:23-07:00
by anthony
Do you mean black areas, black lines, or something else.

In most cases image defects (as opposed to file format defects) can only be specifically tested for. There is no real 'global' test for a image defect. That is humans can tell is something is wrong. Computers need to be taught.
as I like to say wrote:Computers are dumb... Unless otherwise stated! -- Anthony Thyssen