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[solved] convert -crop gives rest images unless specify +0+0
Posted: 2012-07-02T12:39:28-07:00
by qubodup
Code: Select all
$ convert rose: -crop 70x40 +repage rose.png


but I really just want the first one.
It works when I use
Code: Select all
$ convert rose: -crop 70x40+0+0 +repage rose.png
I don't understand what difference "+0+0" does. Can somebody please explain?
Re: convert -crop renders rest images unless I specify +0+0?
Posted: 2012-07-02T12:55:52-07:00
by fmw42
without the +0+0 you are getting tile cropping. see
Re: [solved] convert -crop gives rest images unless specify
Posted: 2012-07-02T13:32:56-07:00
by qubodup
Thanks for clarifying!
Re: [solved] convert -crop gives rest images unless specify
Posted: 2012-10-05T04:18:53-07:00
by expatmark
More precisely, the +0+0 tells the command where to use as the top left hand corner of the cropped image.
So if you use +50+50 it will start your crop area 50 pixels from the top and 50 pixels from the left. This enables you to accurately select exactly which part of the image you want.