Create a type of image map dynamicaly with the image
Posted: 2012-07-05T11:08:41-07:00
A split off from this thread: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=21354
The original post talked about automaticaly creating a colage of images and the idea came up to create an imagemap at the same time so that when a photo was selected it would open a larger version.
I had some old code to do something along those lines and I have modified it a bit and posted it below. For some reason unknown the colour is not being selected correctly with ImageColorAt; it used to work and I assume something has changed with php 5
We may now be moving to a IM method of selecting the colour and so I am not to worried about that at the moment
The working example can be seen here: ... allery.php and the colour map that is used is: ... ry_map.gif
Generate the top image and map:
The code to select the colour and so generate the link or whatever:
The original post talked about automaticaly creating a colage of images and the idea came up to create an imagemap at the same time so that when a photo was selected it would open a larger version.
I had some old code to do something along those lines and I have modified it a bit and posted it below. For some reason unknown the colour is not being selected correctly with ImageColorAt; it used to work and I assume something has changed with php 5

We may now be moving to a IM method of selecting the colour and so I am not to worried about that at the moment

The working example can be seen here: ... allery.php and the colour map that is used is: ... ry_map.gif
Generate the top image and map:
Code: Select all
$background_colour = "white";
$background_location = "background.jpg";
$map_location = "gallery_map.gif";
function resize_rotate( $image, $new_name, $colour, $map )
// Resize the image and add the border
$cmd = "$image -thumbnail 370x350 -bordercolor black -border 1x1";
exec("convert $cmd $new_name ");
// Create the colour swatch for the map
exec("convert $new_name -fill $colour -colorize 100% $map");
/* ********************** End of resize_rotate function ****************************** */
// Photos to use
$a = "logo.png";
$j = "rose.jpg";
$k = "bluebells_lin.jpg";
$o = "wizard.png";
// Generate the images
resize_rotate ( $a, 'photo10.miff', 'red', 'photo11.miff' );
resize_rotate ( $j, 'photo20.miff', 'black', 'photo21.miff' );
resize_rotate ( $k, 'photo30.miff', 'yellow', 'photo31.miff' );
resize_rotate ( $o, 'photo40.miff', 'blue', 'photo41.miff' );
// Generate the background combined image
exec("convert -size 940x650 xc:$background_colour photo10.miff -geometry +2+2 -composite photo40.miff -geometry +460+205 -composite photo20.miff -geometry +360+20 -composite photo30.miff -geometry +50+230 -composite -trim $background_location");
// Generate the background combined image map
exec("convert -size 940x650 xc:white photo11.miff -geometry +2+2 -composite photo41.miff -geometry +460+205 -composite photo21.miff -geometry +360+20 -composite photo31.miff -geometry +50+230 -composite -trim $map_location");
// Delete the tempory images
foreach ( glob( "*.miff" ) as $filename )
unlink( $filename );
Code: Select all
$gallery_map = "gallery_map.gif";
$gallery_index = "background.jpg";
$x = ( empty($_GET['map_x']))?'':$_GET['map_x'];
$y = ( empty($_GET['map_y']))?'':$_GET['map_y'];
// First visit to the page so $x is empty
if ( empty( $x ))
echo "<center>\n<form>
<input type=\"image\" src=\"$gallery_index\" name=\"map\" title=\"Select an image to go to the gallery\" >
else {
// Get the colour from background.gif to use for the photo directory
$rgb = "";
$im = imagecreatefromgif( $gallery_map );
$rgb = ImageColorAt($im, $x, $y);
echo "<h2>RGB value of colour selected = ".$rgb."</h2>";
// Yellow
if ($rgb = '71' & $rgb < '110')
$read = 'Bluebells';
// Blue
elseif ($rgb > '131' & $rgb < '167')
$read = 'Wizzard';
// Red
elseif ($rgb > '31' & $rgb < '69')
$read = 'IM Logo';
// Black
elseif ($rgb == '0')
$read = 'Rose';
// If none of the above use a default
$read = 'None';
// If the use has clicked the background rather than an image display this
if ($read == 'None')
echo "<h1><br>You missed all of the photos.</h1> ";
// If the user has correctly selected a image display the text
echo "<h2>$read photo selected</h2>";
} }