First, I need to tile 196 sets of 391 256x256 images, each set looks like this:
Code: Select all
montage -geometry +0+0 9-[0-390]-0.tga -tile 391x1 9-0.tga
Code: Select all
montage -geometry +0+0 9-[0-195].tga -tile 1x196 9.tga
However, each assembled row would have a width of 100,096, which exceeds some limit. If I try this with jpeg images, the error message states that 65,500 is the maximum supported width/height, with tga files it just says the limit has been exceeded.
I'm on linux, Ubuntu 12.04 64bit to be exact, I've tried both a binary release installed through apt-get, and compiling it from source with --with-quantum-depth=8, 16, and 32. It seems like the limit I'm hitting is not in imagemagick itself, but rather the encoders?
Surely there must be a way around this limit, I never hit it when I was using montage on windows with equally large output images