Compiling app with ImageMagick on xCode not working
Posted: 2012-07-20T01:49:57-07:00
I installed ImageMagick through MacPorts. Everything looked to work OK. When I decided to test my app on other computer where imagemagick is not installed. I builded my app and moved it to that computer. And my app is not working. It says that Os X version is not compatible but OS X is the same version on both computers. If I remove everything with imagemagick from my project (don't use imagemagick) everything works on all computers. So how can I compile my app so that ImageMagick headers and libraries would by in my app bundle? I tried to copy them from /opt/local/.... but with no success. Then when trying to compile it it says
I hope somebody will help me. Thanks in advance.
Code: Select all
dyld: Library not loaded: /opt/local/lib/libMagick++.5.dylib
Referenced from: /Users/development/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/OGL-cahltqazoqxhrthkxztsqyvvodge/Build/Products/Debug/
Reason: image not found
I hope somebody will help me. Thanks in advance.