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Convert a gif to movie clip with some loop count?
Posted: 2012-07-23T12:03:40-07:00
by agriz
Is it possible to convert a gif to movie clip? ( flv, avi, mov, mpeg )
I have converted the gif to mpeg. But how to make it loop for sometimes?
Re: Convert a gif to movie clip with some loop count?
Posted: 2012-07-23T12:23:33-07:00
by fmw42
when creating the gif animation use the -loop option before the output. -loop 0 will repeat indefinitely. see
see supporte formats at
or type
convert -list format
to see if your platform and IM compile support those formats. You may need to install certain delegate libraries to actually allow the use of supported formats.
Re: Convert a gif to movie clip with some loop count?
Posted: 2012-07-23T12:31:13-07:00
by agriz
Yes, i created that gif with loop 0
But i have to convert that gif to mpeg.
convert 1.gif 1.mpeg
The mpeg is not looping
Re: Convert a gif to movie clip with some loop count?
Posted: 2012-07-23T12:43:23-07:00
by fmw42
You probably need to do the conversion with the mpeg delegate itself where you can set other parameters. Or find some other third party application. I suspect IM just blindly converts the images and not the animation arguments. Probably need to search Google for it or go to Actually I think IM uses FFMPEG.
Re: Convert a gif to movie clip with some loop count?
Posted: 2012-07-23T12:50:09-07:00
by rich2005
A video file on its own does not loop. Some players have an option to loop indefinitely. VLC is one.
If you wanted a certain number of loops, you would need to join together copies of the same video clip.
Re: Convert a gif to movie clip with some loop count?
Posted: 2012-07-23T12:55:50-07:00
by agriz
rich2005 wrote:A video file on its own does not loop. Some players have an option to loop indefinitely. VLC is one.
If you wanted a certain number of loops, you would need to join together copies of the same video clip.
Yes, It is now running the video for few seconds extra

Re: Convert a gif to movie clip with some loop count?
Posted: 2012-07-24T12:55:48-07:00
by agriz
I have a little problem on the quality of mpeg.
The gif animation is looking good. But once converted to mpeg, it is not very good. The quality become worst.
Is there any way to fix this?
Re: Convert a gif to movie clip with some loop count?
Posted: 2012-07-24T16:45:03-07:00
by fmw42
Use ffmpeg by itself after creating your gif images. There was another similar post that went into more details