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issue script Distort Perspective (difference unix - windows)

Posted: 2012-07-27T00:36:45-07:00
by michelsylv
Hi all,

I have a project and I have to do a perspective image with imagemagick.
On my dev platform (windows IM:6.6.2-10), imagemagick create a perfect image but on my production (ubuntu 6.6.0-4) platform I have an issue.

Example of my code :

Code: Select all

exec('convert source.jpg -matte -virtual-pixel transparent -distort Perspective "0,0,0,0 0,472,0,472 444,0,444,80 444,472,444,400" result.png');
header("Content-Type: image/png");
print file_get_contents('result.png');
Result on windows platform:

Result on ubuntu platform :

Thanks in advance for your help


Re: issue script Distort Perspective (difference unix - wind

Posted: 2012-07-27T09:49:24-07:00
by fmw42
The older version may have had a bug in -virtual-pixel or it was not implemented in -distort perspective. Try other -virtual-pixel settings such as black or white or perhaps first try -background none -virtual-pixel background. See what you get from those.

Re: issue script Distort Perspective (difference unix - wind

Posted: 2012-07-30T02:25:39-07:00
by michelsylv

thanks for your answer.

No changes with -virtual-pixel black or -background none -virtual-pixel background ...

You talk of old version but there is a significant difference between 6.6.2 and 6.6.0 ?
Somebody have another idea ?

Best regards,


Re: issue script Distort Perspective (difference unix - wind

Posted: 2012-07-30T02:42:05-07:00
by Bonzo
You talk of old version but there is a significant difference between 6.6.2 and 6.6.0 ?
Imagemaagick is always changing and it has to change at some point; it could have been then. A bug may have been introduced when something else was changed.

Re: issue script Distort Perspective (difference unix - wind

Posted: 2012-07-30T03:11:17-07:00
by michelsylv
ok thanks.

I uninstall imagemagick 6.6.0 (this version was installed automatically with apt-get).

I compile imagemagick ( as explain here : ... e.php#unix) in version 6.7.8 and all is right !

Thanks for your help
