I'm not sure where this is going wrong but when I use the 3D Box set example as a windows commandline like this...
Code: Select all
convert -virtual-pixel transparent ( "tmp_spine.jpg" -matte +distort Perspective "0,0 -30,20 0,200 -30,179 39.5,200 0,200 39.5,0 0.5,0" ) ( "tmp_front.jpg" -matte +distort Perspective "0.5,0 0.5,0 0.5,200 0.5,200 150,200 100,156 150,0 100,30" ) -background black -layers merge +repage -bordercolor black -border 15x2 "3Dbox.png"

I also tried...
Code: Select all
convert "tmp_spine.jpg" -virtual-pixel background -background none +distort Perspective "0,0 -40,20 0,199 -40,179 39,199 0,199 39,0 0,0" ( "tmp_front.jpg" +distort Perspective "0,0 0,0 0,199 0,199 149,199 99,169 149,0 99,30" ) -background none -layers merge +repage -trim "3Dbox.png"

I haven't yet figured out why it is "smeared" at the top & bottom, and not being trimmed. Any help would be appreciated.