$ convert -verbose -size 112x28 card-112x28.svg card-112x28.png
mvg:C:/2_ProgramFiles/cygwin/tmp/magick-2SgqFrwt=>C:/2_ProgramFiles/cygwin/tmp/magick-2SgqFrwt MVG 112x28 112x28+0+0 16-bit DirectClass 744B 0.000u 0:00.000
card-112x28.svg SVG 112x28 112x28+0+0 16-bit DirectClass 744B 0.000u 0:00.030
card-112x28.svg=>card-112x28.png SVG 112x28 112x28+0+0 16-bit PseudoClass 12c 0.000u 0:00.016
The image below shows a screengrab of a HTML table showing the SVG next to the PNG.

Any idea what's happening here & how to fix it? I searched the forums for SVG truncation & couldn't find any posts quite like my issue.
SVG content below (note the last lineto is omitted as the 'z' closes the path, as per the SVG standard):
Code: Select all
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1">
<!-- Generated by createSVG v0.4 on 02 Aug 2012 @ 17:57:51. -->
<symbol id="card-112x28">
<!-- Card -->
<rect x="0" y="0" width="112" height="28" style="stroke:#E6E6E6; fill:#E6E6E6; "/>
<!-- Tabs (orientation=horizontal) -->
<path d="m 1 1 l 15 0 l 0 4 l 3 0 l 0 -4 l 76 0 l 0 4 l 3 0 l 0 -4 l 15 0 l 0 26 l -15 0 l 0 -4 l -3 0 l 0 4 l -76 0 l 0 -4 l -3 0 l 0 4 l -15 0 z"
style="stroke:#00257E; fill:#FFFFFF; "/>
<!-- Left Screw -->
<circle cx="105" cy="14" r="3" style="stroke:#00257E; fill:#FFFFFF; "/>
<line x1="105" y1="11" x2="105" y2="17" style="stroke:#00257E; "/>
<!-- Right Screw -->
<circle cx="7" cy="14" r="3" style="stroke:#00257E; fill:#FFFFFF; "/>
<line x1="7" y1="11" x2="7" y2="17" style="stroke:#00257E; "/>
<use xlink:href="#card-112x28"/>