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jpg flatten problem

Posted: 2012-08-08T11:16:08-07:00
by indiego

I don't get the expected results when saving as jpg. Here is the decription from the source for better understanding.

-- 1. create preumbra mask as base for shadow
-- 2. create preumbra shadow
-- 3. add 1px full transparent border (simply avoids PDF render problems at graphic borders)
-- 4. create umbra mask
-- 5. create umbra shadow
-- 6. get opaque channels (black) of preumbra shadow and colorize it if needed
-- 7. combine transparent channels of both shadows
-- 8. combine the opaque (non transparent and unicolored) graphic with the shadow graphic
-- 9. save shadow

And here are the command lines from the batch file (only the last line differs). The first command creates a png graphic
and the second one creates a jpg graphic.


Code: Select all

convert ( -size 310x210 -density 150 xc:none -fill black -stroke none -strokewidth 0 -draw "roundrectangle 1,1 308,208 19,19" ) ^
  ( +clone -background black -shadow 40x9+0+0 +repage ) ^
  ( +clone -matte -mattecolor "#00000000" -frame 1 +repage -write mpr:preumbra ) -delete 0-2 ^
  ( -size 302x202 -density 150 xc:none -fill black -stroke none -strokewidth 0 -draw "roundrectangle 1,1 300,200 15,15" ) ^
  ( +clone -background black -shadow 100x2+0+0 +repage -write mpr:umbra ) -delete 0-1 ^
  ( mpr:preumbra -channel Opacity ) ^
  ( -gravity center -channel Alpha mpr:preumbra mpr:umbra -compose lighten -composite -blur 0x2.0 ) ^
  ( -gravity center -compose copy_opacity -composite ) ^
  -units PixelsPerInch -set density 150 -quality 95 +set date:create +set date:modify -colorspace gray "test.png"

convert ( -size 310x210 -density 150 xc:none -fill black -stroke none -strokewidth 0 -draw "roundrectangle 1,1 308,208 19,19" ) ^
  ( +clone -background black -shadow 40x9+0+0 +repage ) ^
  ( +clone -matte -mattecolor "#00000000" -frame 1 +repage -write mpr:preumbra ) -delete 0-2 ^
  ( -size 302x202 -density 150 xc:none -fill black -stroke none -strokewidth 0 -draw "roundrectangle 1,1 300,200 15,15" ) ^
  ( +clone -background black -shadow 100x2+0+0 +repage -write mpr:umbra ) -delete 0-1 ^
  ( mpr:preumbra -channel Opacity ) ^
  ( -gravity center -channel Alpha mpr:preumbra mpr:umbra -compose lighten -composite -blur 0x2.0 ) ^
  ( -gravity center -compose copy_opacity -composite ) ^
  -units PixelsPerInch -set density 150 -quality 95 -background white -alpha remove -colorspace gray "test.jpg"
Linux (untested; hopefully working..)

Code: Select all

convert \( -size 310x210 -density 150 xc:none -fill black -stroke none -strokewidth 0 -draw "roundrectangle 1,1 308,208 19,19" \) \
  \( +clone -background black -shadow 40x9+0+0 +repage \) \
  \( +clone -matte -mattecolor "#00000000" -frame 1 +repage -write mpr:preumbra \) -delete 0-2 \
  \( -size 302x202 -density 150 xc:none -fill black -stroke none -strokewidth 0 -draw "roundrectangle 1,1 300,200 15,15" \) \
  \( +clone -background black -shadow 100x2+0+0 +repage -write mpr:umbra \) -delete 0-1 \
  \( mpr:preumbra -channel Opacity \) \
  \( -gravity center -channel Alpha mpr:preumbra mpr:umbra -compose lighten -composite -blur 0x2.0 \) \
  \( -gravity center -compose copy_opacity -composite \) \
  -units PixelsPerInch -set density 150 -quality 95 +set date:create +set date:modify -colorspace gray "test.png"

convert \( -size 310x210 -density 150 xc:none -fill black -stroke none -strokewidth 0 -draw "roundrectangle 1,1 308,208 19,19" \) \
  \( +clone -background black -shadow 40x9+0+0 +repage \) \
  \( +clone -matte -mattecolor "#00000000" -frame 1 +repage -write mpr:preumbra \) -delete 0-2 \
  \( -size 302x202 -density 150 xc:none -fill black -stroke none -strokewidth 0 -draw "roundrectangle 1,1 300,200 15,15" \) \
  \( +clone -background black -shadow 100x2+0+0 +repage -write mpr:umbra \) -delete 0-1 \
  \( mpr:preumbra -channel Opacity \) \
  \( -gravity center -channel Alpha mpr:preumbra mpr:umbra -compose lighten -composite -blur 0x2.0 \) \
  \( -gravity center -compose copy_opacity -composite \) \
  -units PixelsPerInch -set density 150 -quality 95 -background white -alpha remove -colorspace gray "test.jpg"
The png looks ok, but the jpg is far too light. A conversion from the png result to jpg also works as expected.

Version: ImageMagick 6.7.8-8 2012-08-04 Q16 on Windows7