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Cannot open TIFFs generated by "Convert" in PhotoShop 7

Posted: 2012-08-13T05:18:23-07:00
by fun.tastico

I'm trying to Convert CMYK Tiffs to RGB using "convert.exe -colorspace rgb -layers flatten test.tif test2.tif"

But I cannot open the result in PhotoShop 7. "...not compatible with this version of PhotoShop"

Any Ideas ?

Find the test images here: Original with layers converted one, opens fine in other prgrams than PhotoShop 7, but PhotoShop 7 MUST work !!!


Re: Cannot open TIFFs generated by "Convert" in PhotoShop 7

Posted: 2012-08-13T05:22:30-07:00
by magick
Add -compress none to your command line.

Re: Cannot open TIFFs generated by "Convert" in PhotoShop 7

Posted: 2012-08-13T05:25:25-07:00
by fun.tastico
Already testet, but no success.
Any other ideas ?

Re: Cannot open TIFFs generated by "Convert" in PhotoShop 7

Posted: 2012-08-16T02:19:19-07:00
by fun.tastico
Has anyone another idea ???