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Convert images in subdirectories

Posted: 2012-08-20T02:18:18-07:00
by friandises33
I have 500 folders with 30 images on it.
This is a would like to do for all images in JPG :

Mode > Grayscale
Mode > Indexed (Use black and white (1-bit) palette).
Save the file in GIF format.

How can i do this with Imagemagick for all my images ?
I am looking for a solution this since one week, thanks for help !
I am on Windows

Re: Convert images in subdirectories

Posted: 2012-08-20T03:21:45-07:00
by whugemann
It is quite simple to crawl through an entire directory tree by just one batch file command, see
As for the colors, inserting -colors 2 in the command line should do.

Re: Convert images in subdirectories

Posted: 2012-09-06T09:08:21-07:00
by dzieglerok

I had already looked at the batch procedures in your link and will make an attempt to make it work. If I have trouble, I will throw you a lifeline. Thanks for your help.
