General Problem: Gigantic Quantities (with sub problems)
Posted: 2012-08-24T04:15:20-07:00
Hello imagemagickians
I know I about to ask a lot of question but I have all my hope vested in you. Thank you already!!!!!!! I hope you can help me somehow. But I am confident seeing my relative noobism on linux and imagemagick scripting.
My problem is two parted.
1) I need to resize a large amount (2 million in 60000 parts folders) jpgs. They are not terribly big (each 4 kb) and I actually want to make them smaller (x31). It used to be thumbnails now it ll go up on a wall and be approx 3.1mm high in case you wonder.
I wonder what the fastest way to do this would be?
(SubQ a:) I use the resize mogrify -resize x31 *.jpg. What the best way to enter all the subfolders here? And with best I mean fastest as I am pressed for computation time.
(SubQ b:) I am working from a mac osx virtual box ubuntu setup. And I have a folder that I share between both environments. Is that costing me a lot in computation time? Should I import the folder? This would be a problem as it takes a lot of time as well seeing the amount of files.
(SubQc:) In the end (once all resized and in a proper location depending on your tips) i want to montage the images on one canvas. The wall on which I ll print is 4x5 m large. So I ll most likey montage in chunks of 60 cm heigt and with a certain width (4m). Is there a way to fix that? I only found subcommands for mount of images. I use:
montage *.jpg -tile 350 (love to enter cmwidth)-geometry +0+0 -background white -gravity Center print.jpg
(SubQd:) Now would it be possible to load multiple folder into one montage without it taking too long? Basically I have multiple languages and I would want to start with engl (folder eng 60000 images), then move to dutch(folder 2), ... ? Is that possible or would I have to copy the right amount of images in one folder in order to fill it properly?
(SubQe LASTTTTT) the montage works from left to right and from up to down. Can I change that? I d want from down to up and even one versio n fom right to left montaging.
Dear Imagemagick I know I ask alot but I also appreciate your help alot. A lot. Individuals will be thanked in a museum in case someone likes that. Individuals are thanked already for th etime you have taken.
I know I about to ask a lot of question but I have all my hope vested in you. Thank you already!!!!!!! I hope you can help me somehow. But I am confident seeing my relative noobism on linux and imagemagick scripting.
My problem is two parted.
1) I need to resize a large amount (2 million in 60000 parts folders) jpgs. They are not terribly big (each 4 kb) and I actually want to make them smaller (x31). It used to be thumbnails now it ll go up on a wall and be approx 3.1mm high in case you wonder.
I wonder what the fastest way to do this would be?
(SubQ a:) I use the resize mogrify -resize x31 *.jpg. What the best way to enter all the subfolders here? And with best I mean fastest as I am pressed for computation time.
(SubQ b:) I am working from a mac osx virtual box ubuntu setup. And I have a folder that I share between both environments. Is that costing me a lot in computation time? Should I import the folder? This would be a problem as it takes a lot of time as well seeing the amount of files.
(SubQc:) In the end (once all resized and in a proper location depending on your tips) i want to montage the images on one canvas. The wall on which I ll print is 4x5 m large. So I ll most likey montage in chunks of 60 cm heigt and with a certain width (4m). Is there a way to fix that? I only found subcommands for mount of images. I use:
montage *.jpg -tile 350 (love to enter cmwidth)-geometry +0+0 -background white -gravity Center print.jpg
(SubQd:) Now would it be possible to load multiple folder into one montage without it taking too long? Basically I have multiple languages and I would want to start with engl (folder eng 60000 images), then move to dutch(folder 2), ... ? Is that possible or would I have to copy the right amount of images in one folder in order to fill it properly?
(SubQe LASTTTTT) the montage works from left to right and from up to down. Can I change that? I d want from down to up and even one versio n fom right to left montaging.
Dear Imagemagick I know I ask alot but I also appreciate your help alot. A lot. Individuals will be thanked in a museum in case someone likes that. Individuals are thanked already for th etime you have taken.