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varying image levels

Posted: 2012-09-07T09:15:06-07:00
by lplateandy

I seem to be finding the same greyscale image comes out more feint when processed with some computers.

I am resizing, applying a watermark and using autolevel to help pick out the detail.

The only thing i can immediately think of as differing is that the feint images seem to be by computers without graphics cards - is that likely to have an effect?


Re: varying image levels

Posted: 2012-09-07T09:43:22-07:00
by lplateandy

I've now found that if i use -colorspace RGB i do at least get the grey image the same strength

However, the watermark which i add using composite comes out darker.

Weird that it differs between computers


Re: varying image levels

Posted: 2012-09-07T10:08:03-07:00
by fmw42
What is your exact command? Can you post links to your input images and to your old correct result?

Note you may need to add -set colorspace RGB rather than -colorspace RGB. If you post your command I can probably help. Note that IM grayscale images became linear after about IM Thus I have been using -set colorspace RGB in various places to deal with the change to get back to processing the old way.

I generally put -set colorspace RGB before -colorspace gray and also right before -compose ... -composite.