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Download Location for really old versions?

Posted: 2012-09-20T14:22:51-07:00
by sajjansarkar

Sorry if this is a repeat or a misplaced post. One of our clients is having an emergency issue and we are unable to resolve it as they have ImageMagick 6.2.0 on windows while we only have the latest version.
Where can i get the windows installer for 6.2.0? Please help!!

Thanks in advance!

Re: Download Location for really old versions?

Posted: 2012-09-20T17:21:53-07:00
by anthony
You can get it from source forge ImageMagick area, which archives the older versions.

The SVN also allows you to get some of the older versions, but does not go back as far.

Re: Download Location for really old versions?

Posted: 2012-09-20T17:28:32-07:00
by fmw42
I don't think the windows binaries go back that far at ... .7.9-exes/

Re: Download Location for really old versions?

Posted: 2012-09-20T17:29:04-07:00
by anthony
No but the sources do.

Re: Download Location for really old versions?

Posted: 2012-09-20T23:46:32-07:00
by whugemann
There is no archive of compiled older versions, see

Re: Download Location for really old versions?

Posted: 2012-09-21T05:16:45-07:00
by glennrp
At SourceForge we archive the "ImageMagick-x.y.z-n.tar.gz" sources
where "n" is the final release in the series, usually 10, for each x.y.z. No binaries
are archived.

Re: Download Location for really old versions?

Posted: 2012-09-21T05:39:30-07:00
by sajjansarkar
Thanks for the replies guys...I really did not want to take the route of rebuilding from the source as I was facing a lot errors while building the project in Visual Studio. But looks like the 6.2.0 binary is not gonna be available,so no choice :( .