How to improve the 'printability' of this image ?
Posted: 2012-09-20T16:06:08-07:00
[Disclaimer (!): this post overlaps with my previous one at viewtopic.php?f=1&t=21855 but things have moved on a little since then]
I'm helping a friend of mine with some photographs of sheet music and I'm hoping you can help me !
I'd like a technique to make the illumination within the image more even than it is currently. If you look at this one :

Full version here
You can see that the top left hand corner of the page is significantly brighter than the bottom right hand corner. I'd like to make it so that there was a very even lighting at all points on the page.
Can Imagemagick do this ?
They are colour photos taken on a point and shoot in non-ideal lighting and we'd like to print them in greyscale and to make them as readable as possible.
I've made improvements to them by: greyscaling; upping the contrast; and doing some unsharpening, like this one :

[Full version here : ... HARP-3.PNG]
but as you can see the uneven illumination is almost more pronounced in this version and when you print it that effect seems more pronounced than it does on the screen.
I'd be grateful for any suggestions.
I'm helping a friend of mine with some photographs of sheet music and I'm hoping you can help me !
I'd like a technique to make the illumination within the image more even than it is currently. If you look at this one :
Full version here
You can see that the top left hand corner of the page is significantly brighter than the bottom right hand corner. I'd like to make it so that there was a very even lighting at all points on the page.
Can Imagemagick do this ?
They are colour photos taken on a point and shoot in non-ideal lighting and we'd like to print them in greyscale and to make them as readable as possible.
I've made improvements to them by: greyscaling; upping the contrast; and doing some unsharpening, like this one :
[Full version here : ... HARP-3.PNG]
but as you can see the uneven illumination is almost more pronounced in this version and when you print it that effect seems more pronounced than it does on the screen.
I'd be grateful for any suggestions.